Simple, Clean & Vegan 5-Minute Muesli Recipe

Servings: 20


1 bag Trader Joe’s Rolled Oats, gluten-free
1 ½ cups pecans or walnuts halves
1 ½ cups currants or 1 ½ cup cranberries/cherries
1 ½ cups large, unsweetened coconut flakes

1/4 cup flax meal
1/4 cup chia seeds
2 teaspoons Ceylon cinnamon
Scant 1 teaspoon salt

Sweetened milk:

1 bottle Trader Joe’s almond milk
4 tablespoons maple syrup or 3 tablespoons honey


  1. Pour half of oats into another zip bag big enough to hold about 8 cups. I use an empty bag of Trader Joe’s Rolled Oats.

  2. Divide the rest of the ingredients (not milk or maple syrup) between the two bags, shake it up and seal it. Before serving, turn the bag upside down & shake; the smaller ingredients like flax & chia will have settled at the bottom. I leave a 1/2 cup to measure out my portion; scooping out a rounded cup.

  3. Serve with milk.